Epayanti ., Andi Usman, Deki Wibowo


Abstract: This research highlights the problem of applying Charta Media
to improve students' concept understanding on the material of government
system in fourth grade at Public Elementary School 02
MenukungAcademic Year 2012/2013. The type of research used was
Classroom Action Research. The subjects of the study are the fourth grade
students of Public Elementary School 02 Menukung in the even semester
of the Academic Year 2012/2013 Sub District Menukung, Melawi
Regency, which amounted to 22 people, consisting of 9 women and 13
men. Data collection techniques were conducted using observation and
test techniques. The average test scores achieved by students on the pre
cycle is 55.45, while on the first cycle it reached 65.45 and achieved
78.18 on the second cycle. To conclude, the student learning result
showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II. The implementation of RPP
on cycle I with average percentage of implementation that includes 3
activities (preliminary, core, closing) is equal to 68,42%. The details are
preliminary activity of 68.75%, and the core of 66.67% while
theclosingof 75.00%. This figure increased on cycle II, with the average
percentage of learning implementation rose to 80.55%, with details of
75.00% in preliminary activities, 80.00% in core and 100.00% inclosing.
Keywords: conceptual understanding, media charta
Abstrak: Penelitian ini menyoroti masalah penerapan media charta untuk
meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi sistem pemerintahan
di kelas IV SDN 02 Menukung Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Jenis
penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah
siswa kelas IV SDN 02 Menukung semester genap Tahun Pelajaran
2012/2013 Kecamatan Menukung Kabupaten Melawi, yang berjumlah 22
orang, terdiri 9 perempuan dan 13 laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi dan tes. Rata-rata skor
tes yang diperoleh siswa pada pra siklus sebesar 55,45, siklus I sebesar
65,45 sedangkan pada siklus II sebesar 78,18. Ini berarti dari siklus I ke
siklus II hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan. Keterlaksanaan RPP
pada siklus I rata-rata persentase pelaksaanaan yang meliputi 3 kegiatan
(pendahuluan, inti, penutup) adalah sebesar 68,42%. Rinciannya adalah 

kegiatan pendahuluan terlaksana sebesar 68,75%, inti 66,67% dan
penutup 75,00%. Angka ini meningkat pada siklus II, rata-rata persentase
pelaksanaan pembelajaran naik menjadi 80,55%, dengan rincian kegiatan
pendahuluan 75,00%, inti 80,00% dan penutup 100,00%.
Kata kunci: pemahaman konsep, media charta

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46368/jpd.v3i2.87

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